This data privacy statement informs users about the type, scope and aim of the collection and use of personal data by Übersetzungen Hanns Schiefele,, Weißstr. 1, 83435 Bad Reichenhall,, +49 8651 716780, on this website.
The legal basis for data privacy can be found in the German data protection act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG))
and in the Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz, TMG)).
Access data / server log files
Übersetzungen Hanns Schiefele captures data about each website access (in so-called server log files). Access data include:
Name of the accessed web page, file, access time and date, transferred data volume, notification of successful access, browser type and version,
user operating system, referrer URL (previously visited page), IP address and the requesting provider.
Übersetzungen Hanns Schiefele uses the protocol data only for statistical evaluation, for the purpose of the operation, security and optimisation of the website.
Übersetzungen Hanns Schiefele reserves the right to check protocol data at a later date if there is a justified suspicion of illegal use due to concrete indications.
Handling of personal data
Personal data contain information by means of which a person is identifiable, i. e. information which can be traced back to a person. This, for example,
includes a person’s name, e-mail address and phone number.
Personal data will be collected and used by
Übersetzungen Hanns Schiefele only within the scope of the service relationship, which comprises providing translations or similar services.
This data will not be passed on to third parties.
When contacting Übersetzungen Hanns Schiefele (for example through the inquiry form or by e-mail), information about the user will
be stored for the purpose of processing the inquiry, or for making follow-up questions possible.
Comments and Contributions
When users leave comments or contributions on the translation delivery page, their IP addresses are saved. This serves as a security for
Übersetzungen Hanns Schiefele. Someone could post illegal content (insults, forbidden political propaganda, etc.). In this case
Übersetzungen Hanns Schiefele could be prosecuted for the comment or contribution, and is therefore interested to know the identity of the author.
Cookies are very small files which enable the storage of information specifically targeted to a user’s device (PC, smartphone or the like).
They serve the purpose of website usability, and therefore the user (e. g. for saving login data). Moreover, they serve to collect statistical website
usage data and further improve the website. Users can influence the application of cookies. Many browsers have an option to restrict or completely prevent saving cookies.
However, usage and usability will be limited without cookies.
Cancellation, changes, corrections and updates
The user has the right to receive free information about his or her personal data which is stored about the user.
Also, the user has the right to have incorrect data corrected and his or her own personal data blocked and deleted, unless barred by a legal duty to preserve records.